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About us

TCS Co-op is led by Jason Rodker and Jennifer Fleisher, a set of parents whose children attended The Cottage School prior to its closing in 2021. The TCS Co-op has retained The Cottage School's materials and some of its most veteran teachers, and it follows The Cottage School's curriculum, which was developed by Laura Soulages (currently advisor and classroom teacher at TCS Co-op) during her over 30 years of experience in education. 

Our Approach to Learning

Our approach to learning is to treasure the open mind. Our teachers present open-ended problems to students and accept that there may be several ways to get to the solution. Unlike traditional settings, our program fosters children’s confidence in finding the answers for themselves with teachers’ support. Our teachers have deep respect for each student’s gifts and uniqueness. Each child is met where they are regardless of age, making this a personalized and immersive program that supports self-confidence.

Some portions of the day involve multi-age groupings, to mimic real-world situations in which children must adapt to working with diverse groups of people with unique interpersonal styles, while other classes are grouped by age to meet the needs of specific developmental stages. Our cross-curricular approach creates a coherent, meaningful learning experience by encouraging children to make connections across subjects and develop critical thinking skills.

Small Class Sizes

Our student-to-teacher ratio is 5:1. Small class sizes make it possible to keep students actively engaged, meet each child’s individual needs, and create an atmosphere of cooperation as opposed to competition.

Play Time and Art

Free play and artistic expression are children's natural ways of processing their experiences, allowing them to integrate new learning through neurological connection. Play and art help children remain in a flexible and receptive state of mind, promoting creative thinking and openness to new ideas. At TCS Co-op, children are provided with simple play and art materials, as well as the freedom to use materials in imaginative ways. This encourages them to think independently and solve problems creatively.

Screen Free Zone 

TCS Co-op is a low-to-no-tech environment. By using three-dimensional materials that stimulate the senses and a hands-on approach, we encourage children to remain connected with their bodies while learning. This makes the process more engaging and meaningful and encourages superior retainment of information. Our screen-free environment is both more stimulating and less neurologically taxing, encouraging the development of greater focus and attention.